Endodontic hemisections involve the removal of a diseased or damaged root from a multi-rooted tooth. This procedure is typically performed when a portion of the tooth’s roots is compromised while the remaining portion remains healthy. By addressing the affected root segment, the remaining healthy structure can be preserved, restoring functionality and maintaining the natural tooth in the mouth.
Benefits of Endodontic Hemisections include:

  • Preserving Natural Teeth: With endodontic hemisections, Dr. Alex Parsi prioritizes preserving your natural teeth whenever possible, avoiding the need for extraction and subsequent tooth replacement options.
  • Enhanced Oral Function: By removing the diseased portion and ensuring the health of the remaining root, endodontic hemisections can restore proper chewing and speech capabilities.
  • Improved Aesthetic Appearance: This procedure helps maintain the appearance of your patients’ smile by retaining their natural tooth structure, eliminating the need for artificial replacements.
  • Cost-Effective Solution: Compared to more complex treatments, endodontic hemisections are often a cost-effective option, minimizing the need for extensive dental interventions.

If your patients are experiencing dental issues that affect specific roots of a tooth, endodontic hemisections might be the ideal treatment for them. Our experienced endodontist can evaluate their condition and determine if this advanced procedure is the right solution to restore their oral health.
Contact Dr. Alex Parsi at 213-291-7358 today to explore the benefits of endodontic hemisections in California and Texas as part of our concierge dental services.